A Programmable Photonic Chip for High-dimensional Quantum Computing

TENCON 2022 - 2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON)(2022)

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Controlling and programming quantum devices to process quantum information by the unit of qudit provides the possibilities for noise-resilient quantum communications, delicate quantum molecular simulations, and efficient quantum computations, showing great potential to enhance the capabilities of qubit-based quantum technologies. Here, we report a programmable high-dimensional quantum processor in a silicon-photonic in-tegrated circuit, which monolithically integrates all the key functionalities and capabilities of initialisation, manipulation, and measurement of the two quantum quart (ququart) states, and demonstrate its enhancement of quantum computational paral-lelism. By reprogramming the processor, we implemented the basic quantum Fourier transform algorithms, all in quaternary, to benchmark the enhancement of quantum parallelism using qudits. The monolithic integration and high programmability have allowed the implementations of more than one million high-fidelity preparations, operations and projections of qudit states in the processor. Our work shows an integrated photonic quantum technology for qudit-based quantum computing with enhanced capacity, accuracy, and efficiency, which could lead to the acceleration of building a large-scale Quantum computer.
qudit-based quantum state,nanophotonics,high dimension,programmable circuit
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