O-209 A quantitative solar ultraviolet radiation job-exposure matrix for the general working population of Europe (UVR EuroJEM)


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Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes skin cancers, is a risk factor for cataract, and the primary predictor of serum vitamin D levels, but there are significant knowledge gaps in several health outcomes. Outdoor workers are exposed to high levels of solar UVR. The objective was to develop a European quantitative job-exposure matrix (JEM). This UVR JEM will be part of the EuroJEM for harmonised assessment of multiple exposure across Europe in EPHOR.

Materials and Methods

A systematic literature search yielded 12 studies providing workday arithmetic mean erythema weighted UVR levels obtained by personal dosimeters (n=223) expressed by the Standard Erythemal Dose (SED) for 49 occupations classified by the European version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-88(COM). Nine experts (Northern, Central and Southern Europe) rated duration of outdoor work for all ISCO-88(COM) occupations that were included with season, duration of measurements and latitude as fixed effects in a mixed effects model. Study and occupation were included as random effects. The dependent variable was log-transformed SED harmonised (dosimeter type and location on the body) and weighted by the occupation exposure probability.


Modelled workday solar UVR level showed a monotonic increase with increasing expert rating. β-coefficients were 0.62 SED (95% CI -0.51:1.75) for 1 hour; 0.80 SED (95% CI -0.28:1.88) for 2–5 hours and 1.20 SED (95% CI 0.12:2.28) for >5 hours, compared to 0 hours. An eight-fold ratio between the highest and the lowest exposed occupations was seen. Our JEM estimates have highest exposure among farm-hands, concrete placers and related trades while waiters, wood-processing-plant operators, and several white collar occupations have the lowest exposure.


This is the first general population quantitative JEM for occupational solar UVR exposure including personal measurements for investigation of exposure-response relations in epidemiological studies of health effects potentially associated with occupational UVR exposure.
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