Locality of contacts determines the subdiffusion exponents in polymeric models of chromatin

E. Marchi, Y. Zhan,G. Tiana

Physical review. E(2023)

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Loop extrusion by motor proteins mediates the attractive interactions in chromatin on the length scale of megabases, providing the polymer with a well-defined structure and at the same time determining its dynamics. The mean square displacement of chromatin loci varies from a Rouse-like scaling to a more constrained subdiffusion, depending on cell type, genomic region and time scale. With a simple polymeric model, we show that such a Rouse-like dynamics occurs when the parameters of the model are chosen so that contacts are local along the chain, while in presence of non-local contacts, we observe subdiffusion at short time scales with exponents smaller than 0.5. Such exponents are independent of the detailed choice of the parameters and build a master curve that depends only on the mean locality of the resulting contacts. We compare the loop-extrusion model with a polymeric model with static links, showing that also in this case only the presence of nonlocal contacts can produce low-exponent subdiffusion. We interpret these results in terms of a simple analytical model.
subdiffusion exponents,polymeric models,contacts
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