Cognitive performance in open-plan office acoustic simulations: Effects of room acoustics and semantics but not spatial separation of sound sources


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The irrelevant sound effect (ISE) characterizes short-term memory performance impairment during irrelevant sounds relative to quiet. Irrelevant sound presentation in most laboratory-based ISE studies has been rather limited to represent complex scenarios including open-plan offices (OPOs) and not many studies have considered serial recall of heard information. This paper investigates ISE using an auditory-verbal serial recall task, wherein performance was evaluated for relevant factors in simulating OPO acoustics: the irrelevant sounds including the semanticity of speech, reproduction methods over headphones, and room acoustics. Results (Experiments 1 and 2) show that ISE was exhibited in most conditions with anechoic (irrelevant) nonspeech sounds with/without speech, but the effect was substantially higher with meaningful speech compared to foreign speech, suggesting a semantic effect. Performance differences in conditions with diotic and binaural reproductions were not statistically robust, suggesting limited role of spatial separation of sources. In Experiment 3, statistically robust ISE were exhibited for binaural room acoustic conditions with mid-frequency reverberation times, T30 (s) = 0.4, 0.8, 1.1, suggesting cognitive impairment regardless of sound absorption representative of OPOs. Performance differences in T30 = 0.4 s relative to T30 = 0.8 and 1.1 s conditions were statistically robust. This emphasizes the benefits for cognitive performance with increased sound absorption, reinforcing extant room acoustic design recommendations. Performance differences in T30 = 0.8 s vs. 1.1 s were not statistically robust. Collectively, these results suggest that certain findings from ISE studies with idiosyncratic acoustics may not translate well to complex OPO acoustic environments.
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Key words
Irrelevant sound effect,Open -plan offices,Speech distraction,Room acoustic simulations
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