Deep Learning Based Face Mask Detection Model For COVID-19 Prevention

2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT)(2023)

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After the epidemic spread around the globe, particularly in underdeveloped nations in poor countries, the World Health organization (WHO) deemed the Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) to be a dangerous virus in order to protect social security. People should limit their contact with other people, wash their hands often, and wear masks since there are few antiviral treatments and healthcare resources. As part of the safety procedures, masks are worn. At airports, offices, shopping centres, hospitals, and other public locations around the globe, there are COVID-enforcement police present in every nation. Under these circumstances, doctors and other health professionals are unable to influence patients’ health situations. Identification of the wearer’s face mask is a more effective method of preventing infection than human monitoring. Python, deep learning, and computer vision have all been integrated into this work effectively with Keras/OpenCV mask detector. Examining the outcomes of the system in comparison to several mask detection approaches.
COVID 19,Face mask,OPENCV,Developing Countries,KERAS
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