Electric Vehicle Charging Scheduling using Branch and Cut Algorithm

2023 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC)(2023)

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered entirely by the energy that is stored in rechargeable batteries, which get charged by either the grid or a renewable energy source (RES). Usage of EVs play a major role in the sustainable development approach of lifestyle. In the current scenario in developing countries, the percentage of EVs used is very low compared to petrol or diesel vehicles. Still, most of the countries are lagging behind in building the necessary infrastructure for EV charging. The objective of this paper is formulated as an integer linear programming (ILP) to identify the optimal EV charging station distance and wait time. A dashboard/mobile software application has been developed in this paper to reduce the overall time a user would need to charge their electric vehicle. The Branch and Cut Algorithm (BCA) is effectively applied in this software to select the optimal charging station in terms of reduced travel and charging time. The software is concerned with the constraints like the EV's charge status, the locations of the nearest charging stations, the number of cars waiting in line at the charging stations, and the EV model. The software is concerned with the constraints like the EV's charge status, the locations of the nearest charging stations, the number of cars waiting in line at the charging stations, and the EV model.
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Branch and Cut algorithm,Integer Linear Programming,Electric Vehicles,Renewable Energy Source,Grid
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