Algorithms for the Detection, Location, and Discrimination of Seismic and Infrasound Events

V. E. Asming,A. V. Fedorov, I. S. Fedorov, S. V. Asming

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics(2023)

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In this paper we overview methods and algorithms for detecting seismic and infrasonic events, recognizing their types and location of their sources. Algorithms and methods used in processing records of both individual seismic stations and seismic and infrasonic arrays and networks of stations are considered. Particular attention is paid to the application of the considered algorithms in current automated data processing systems of seismic and infrasound monitoring. The general problem of data processing of seismic and infrasonic monitoring is divided into five main subproblems: detecting useful signals on the record—seismic or infrasonic waves—determining their parameters, and identifying them (determining wave types); searching for data fragments containing records of seismic or infrasonic events that must be processed by the system; associating detected events according to previously defined parameters for a network of stations; locating the source (epicenter/hypocenter) of seismic or infrasonic events; and source type recognition. Each subproblem and existing method for its solution are considered separately. The issues of the sequence of solving the above problems and the possibility of combining them depending on the specific implementation of the processing system and the specific goals of data analysis are discussed. Here, we review more than 100 papers describing both current high-performance algorithms and classical, but still relevant methods for processing seismic and infrasonic data, including our previously proposed algorithms.
seismic events,infrasonic event,detection,location,discrimination
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