Locality and Exceptional Points in Pseudo-Hermitian Physics

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Pseudo-Hermitian operators generalize the concept of Hermiticity. This class of operators includes the quasi-Hermitian operators, which reformulate quantum theory while retaining real-valued measurement outcomes and unitary time evolution. This thesis is devoted to the study of locality in quasi-Hermitian theory, the symmetries and conserved quantities associated with non-Hermitian operators, and the perturbative features of pseudo-Hermitian matrices. In addition to the presented original research, scholars will appreciate the lengthy introduction to non-Hermitian physics. Local quasi-Hermitian observable algebras are examined. Expectation values of local quasi-Hermitian observables equal expectation values of local Hermitian observables. Thus, quasi-Hermitian theories do not increase the values of nonlocal games set by Hermitian theories. Furthermore, Bell's inequality violations in quasi-Hermitian theories never exceed the Tsirelson bound of Hermitian quantum theory. Exceptional points, which are branch points in the spectrum, are a perturbative feature unique to non-Hermitian operators. Cusp singularities of algebraic curves are related to higher-order exceptional points. To exemplify novelties of non-Hermiticity, one-dimensional lattice models with a pair of non-Hermitian defect potentials with balanced loss and gain, $\Delta \pm i \gamma$, are explored. When the defects are nearest neighbour, the entire spectrum becomes complex when $\gamma$ is tuned past a second-order exceptional point. When the defects are at the edges of the chain and the hopping amplitudes are 2-periodic, as in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain, the $\mathcal{PT}$-phase transition is dictated by the topological phase. Chiral symmetry and representation theory are used to derive large classes of pseudo-Hermitian operators with closed-form intertwining operators.
locality,exceptional points,pseudo-hermitian
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