Evaluation of daylight illuminance in traditional dwellings: Main room/living room of Kula traditional dwellings


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Graphical/Tabular This study examines the existing daylight illuminance in the main rooms of selected traditional dwellings in Kula, which are not restored and maintain their original characteristics, by measuring through an illuminance/color meter and a luminance meter, based on the formal characteristics of the windows and amount and distribution of light. Figure A shows the case main rooms and daylight illuminance measurement points. Figure A. Main room daylight illuminance measurement points of Kaciklar and Zabunlar HousesPurpose: The aim of this study is to determine the quantitative characteristics of daylight in the main rooms of traditional dwellings and to draw attention to the preservation of daylighting in the restoration decisions of traditional dwellings.Theory and Methods: Daylight illuminance and luminance at certain points were measured in Kaciklar and Zabunlar Houses to determine the current state of daylighting in the main rooms. Calculations included geometry of rooms, window based ratios, reflectance of surface materials and transmittance of window glass. Measurements were executed corresponding to all four seasons. Evaluations were compared to the findings with previous works in literature and lighting standards. Results: Findings showed that daylighting in Kaciklar House was insufficient for all seasons, and was sufficient in Zabunlar House. While the restoration decisions are developed, opening the closed window in the main room of Kaciklar House, cleaning the paint on the top windows and choosing light-coloured wall finishing materials will increase their reflectance and support the daylight illuminance. In Zabunlar House, removing the existing wooden glazing in the sofa and increasing reflectance of surface materials by choosing light-coloured wall finishing materials will strongly increase the daylight illuminance of the main room.Conclusion: Window design and its orientation have strong impact on daylighting. Thus, authentic qualities of the window layout and proportions, as well as the interior surface materials should be taken into account when developing conservation decisions not to lose the distinctive daylight performance in traditional dwellings.
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Traditional dwellings, Main room, Daylight illuminance, Architectural conservation
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