Recent advances in the detection of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins based on field-effect transistor biosensors


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In food safety analysis, the detection and control of foodborne pathogens and their toxins are of great importance. Monitoring of virus transmission is equally important, especially in light of recent findings that coronaviruses have been detected in frozen foods and packages during the current global epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019. In recent years, field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors have attracted considerable scholarly attention for pathogenic microorganisms and toxins detection and sensing due to their rapid response time, high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high specificity, label-free detection, portability, and cost-effectiveness. FET-based biosensors can be modified with specific recognition elements, thus providing real-time qualitative and semiquantitative analysis. Furthermore, with advances in nanotechnology and device design, various high-performance nanomaterials are gradually applied in the detection of FET-based biosensors. In this article, we review specific detection in different biological recognition elements are immobilized on FET biosensors for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, and we also discuss nonspecific detection by FET biosensors. In addition, there are still unresolved challenges in the development and application of FET biosensors for achieving efficient, multiplexed, in situ detection of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. Therefore, directions for future FET biosensor research and applications are discussed.
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Pathogenic microorganism, toxin, detection, field-effect transistor, biosensor, biological recognition element
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