Quantitation of Ecdysterone and Targeted Analysis of WADA-Prohibited Anabolic Androgen Steroids, Hormones, and Metabolic Modulators in Ecdysterone-Containing Dietary Supplements

Zoltan Palinkas, Daniel Bekesi,Margita Utczas


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The aim of our research was to perform a comprehensive study of ecdysterone (ECD)-containing dietary supplements (DSs). Two analytical methods were optimised according to the expected concentration of the target compounds: quantitation of ECD by liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to diode array detector (DAD), and limit test for 47 World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited by LC coupled with tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS). For quantitation of ECD, the method was fully validated with outstanding performance characteristics (LOD: 35 mu g center dot g(-1), LOQ: 115 mu g center dot g(-1), CV% < 5%), resulting in significantly lower LOD and shorter runtime than published previously. For limit tests, a chromatographic method was developed to obtain excellent separation, while MS/MS parameters were optimised to allow the lowest possible reporting limit (RL: 0.6-10 ng center dot g(-1) or mL(-1)). Twenty-one ecdysterone-containing DSs from ten brands were analysed. In all cases, the measured ECD content was much lower than labelled, and 20% of the samples contained a prohibited substance. The concentration of ecdysterone and contaminations varied randomly from batch to batch. The developed methods help to prevent the use of contaminated or useless DSs.
anabolic androgenic steroids, hormones and metabolic modulators, ecdysterone, dietary supplement, liquid chromatography, triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
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