Strategies of immobilizing BMP-2 with 3D-printed scaffolds to improve osteogenesis


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Plain language summarySome people have considerable bone gaps because of accidents, cancer or congenital disabilities. These gaps are difficult to heal and can cause many problems. Doctors and scientists are trying to find new ways to help these people. One way is to make artificial pieces of bone that can fit into the gaps and help the bone grow back. These are made using special machines that can print different shapes and materials. They also contain a protein called BMP-2, which allows the bones to grow faster. This article examines how these parts are made and how they can be used in patients. It also suggests how they might be improved in the future. The management and definitive treatment of critical-size bone defects in severe trauma, tumor resection and congenital malformation are troublesome for orthopedic surgeons and patients worldwide without recognized good treatment strategies. Researchers and clinicians are working to develop new strategies to treat these problems. This review aims to summarize the techniques used by additive manufacturing scaffolds loaded with BMP-2 to promote osteogenesis and to analyze the current status and trends in relevant clinical translation. Optimize composite scaffold design to enhance bone regeneration through printing technology, material selection, structure design and loading methods of BMP-2 to advance the clinical therapeutic bone repair field.
3D printing,BMP-2,bone repair,critical bone defect
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