Chartered accountants skills required by employers: an analysis based on advertisements published on linkedin


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The requirements imposed on accounting professionals are growing and challenging, leading to the need for greater demand for skills on the part of employers. Currently, to face the new challenges arising from globalization, it is becoming more and more relevant that professionals develop not only technical skills (hard skills), but also relational skills (soft skills). This article focuses on the analysis of the skills required of chartered accountants through advertisements published by employers on the social network LinkedIn. The option for LinkedIn is justified by the dissemination and strengthening of this social network as a source of recruitment and selection of staff. Based on non-parametric statistical techniques, namely the Wilcoxon test, it was possible to conclude that, as the first selection criterion, hard skills continue to play an important role. As regards the soft skills, instrumental skills stand out, while computer proficiencies and mastery of a second language as an eliminatory requirement are increasingly highlighted in the set of hard skills.
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Skills, Chartered Accountants, Hard skills, LinkedIn, Soft skills
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