TSD investigation of P(VDF-TeFE)/Si composites under the gamma irradiation


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In the presented work, the charge state of P(VDF-TeFE)/Si-based composites obtained on the basis of nano-Si with a size of 50nm and micro-Si particles with a size of 50 nm and P(VDFTeFE) copolymer of polyvinylideneouoride with tetraouoroethylene from polar polymers, was investigated, the amount of filler and the eect of ionizing radiation on these properties were studied. It has been shown that the observed dierences in the charge state parameters of P (VDF-TeFE)/Si composites obtained with nano- and micro-sized Si are due to the higher concentration of nanoparticles and, accordingly, the effective surface area in the composites obtained with nanosized Si, and the change in the mobility of relaxors due to the effects of construction and destruction processes that occur in the polymer matrix and at the interphase boundary after the effect of gamma radiation. The reason for the observed changes in the depolarization processes of polarized P(VDF-TeFE)/nano-Si composites after gamma radiation is the change in the ratio between the construction and destruction processes in the system.
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Key words
P(VDF-TeFE),nano- and micro Si,TSD,interphase boundary,gamma irradiation
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