Reduced numbers of naive CD4+T cells and an altered CD4/CD8 balance in depressed common variable immune deficiency (CVID) patients. Is thymosin-alpha 1 a possible treatment?

Olivia Manusama, Sajni Singh,Rik A. Brooimans,Annemarie Wijkhuijs, Marianne van der Ent,Hemmo A. Drexhage,Virgil A. Dalm


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In the 1990's the macrophage-T-cell-theory of depression was posed stating that low grade inflammation and an abnormal T cell system destabilize the development and function of the emotional brain in such a way, that individuals become ultrasensitive to stress. Recently we gathered evidence that indeed higher frequencies of CD4+ memory T cells, lower frequencies of naive CD4 + T cells, higher frequencies of CD8 + T cells (the latter two in part elicited by Cytomegalovirus, CMV, infection) are a characteristic of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). In MDD patients with a history of childhood trauma and severe depression monocytes are inflammatory activated. Low grade inflammation and T cell system defects have also been reported in patients with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) (next to antibody production defects). CVID patients show a higher prevalence of mild depression. The aim of this study was to determine T cell frequencies and monocyte inflammatory activation in CVID patients with and without depression.This study confirms that CVID patients have CMV independent decreases in the frequency of naive CD4 + T cells and it de novo shows a CMV dependent increase in the expression of inflammatory genes in monocytes. CVID patients with depression are additionally characterized by a CMV independent increase in the frequency of naive CD8 + T cells, while lacking monocyte inflammatory activation. In conclusion, depressed CVID patients have T cell abnormalities comparable to that of patients with regular MDD. These abnormalities are presently targeted by thymosin alpha 1 in an open-label proof of concept trial.
Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID), Depressive mood, CD4+T cell, CD8+T cell, Thymalfasin
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