The impact of the SnI2 purity on the formation of CsSnI3 perovskite modifications as monitored by 127I Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance


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The relative content of the perovskite phase in two CsSnI3 samples (of 99.900 and 99.999 wt% SnI2 and 99.999 wt% CsI purity) was estimated using 127I NQR. The results showed that both samples contained the non-perovskite orthorhombic phase as an admixture. In the sample of higher purity (99.999 wt%) its content was insignificant - only trace amounts could be observed at 77 K, whereas at room temperature the presence of the non-perovskite phase was not revealed. However, in the sample of 99.900 wt% purity the content of the non-perovskite phase has reached at least a third of the sample amount, which is due to the probable crystallization of the non-perovskite phase on impurities.
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Key words
sni2 purity,nuclear quadrupole resonance,cssni3
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