Metal-Chelating Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Scaffolds for Modulation of Neuronal Cell Behavior


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Synthetic peptides are promising structural and functional components of bioactive and tissue-engineering scaffolds. Here, we demonstrate the design of self-assembling nanofiber scaffolds based on peptide amphiphile (PA) molecules containing multi-functional histidine residues with trace metal (TM) coordination ability. The self-assembly of PAs and characteristics of PA nanofiber scaffolds along with their interaction with Zn, Cu, and Mn essential microelements were studied. The effects of TM-activated PA scaffolds on mammalian cell behavior, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and glutathione levels were shown. The study reveals the ability of these scaffolds to modulate adhesion, proliferation, and morphological differentiation of neuronal PC-12 cells, suggesting a particular role of Mn(II) in cell-matrix interaction and neuritogenesis. The results provide a proof-of-concept for the development of histidine-functionalized peptide nanofiber scaffolds activated with ROS- and cell-modulating TMs to induce regenerative responses.
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Key words
peptide,neuronal cell behavior,metal-chelating,self-assembling
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