Improvements in Bioremediation Agents and Their Modified Strains in Mediating Environmental Pollution

Asmara Ahmad,Ghulam Mustafa, Amna Rana, Abdur Rehman Zia


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Environmental pollution has been a significant concern around the globe as the release of toxic pollutants is associated with carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic impacts on living organisms. Since microorganisms have the natural potential to degrade toxic metabolites into nontoxic forms, an eco-friendly approach known as bioremediation has been used to tackle toxic-induced pollution. Bioremediation has three fundamental levels, i.e., natural attenuation, bio-augmentation, and biostimulation in which the synthetic biology approach has been lately utilized to enhance the conventional bioremediation techniques. Recently, a more advanced approach of programmable nucleases such as zinc finger nucleases, tale-like effector nucleases, and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats Cas is being employed to engineer several bacterial, fungal, and algal strains for targeted mutagenesis by knocking in and out specific genes which are involved in reconstructing the metabolic pathways of native microbes. These genetically engineered microorganisms possess heavy metal resistance, greater substrate range, enhanced enzymatic activity, and binding affinity which accelerate the biodegradation of toxic pollutants to environmentally safe levels. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of how we can correlate the novel genetics-based approaches employed to produce genetically engineered microorganisms to enhance the biodegradation of hazardous pollutants, hence, developing a clean and sustainable ecosystem.
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bioremediation agents,modified strains,pollution,environmental
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