Spin-isolated ultraviolet-visible dynamic meta-holographic displays with liquid crystal modulators


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Wearable displays or head-mounted displays (HMDs) have the ability to create a virtual image in the field of view of one or both eyes. Such displays constitute the main platform for numerous virtual reality (VR)- and augmented reality (AR)-based applications. Meta-holographic displays integrated with AR technology have potential applications in the advertising, media, and healthcare sectors. In the previous decade, dielectric metasurfaces emerged as a suitable choice for designing compact devices for highly efficient displays. However, the small conversion efficiency, narrow bandwidth, and costly fabrication procedures limit the device's functionalities. Here, we proposed a spin-isolated dielectric multi-functional metasurface operating at broadband optical wavelengths with high transmission efficiency in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (Vis) regimes. The proposed metasurface comprised silicon nitride (Si3N4)-based meta-atoms with high bandgap, i.e., similar to 5.9 eV, and encoded two holographic phase profiles. Previously, the multiple pieces of holographic information incorporated in the metasurfaces using interleaved and layer stacking techniques resulted in noisy and low-efficiency outputs. A single planar metasurface integrated with a liquid crystal was demonstrated numerically and experimentally in the current work to validate the spin-isolated dynamic UV-Vis holographic information at broadband wavelengths. In our opinion, the proposed metasurface can have promising applications in healthcare, optical security encryption, anti-counterfeiting, and UV-Vis nanophotonics.
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