Learning Experience Design with Maker Education.

Roberto E. Araña-Suárez,Pedro Manuel Hernández Castellano, María Asunción Morales-Santana, Mariana Hernández-Pérez


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This intervention seeks to improve the teaching of the Technology subject in the 1st and 2nd courses of secondary education, introducing in the classroom aspects related to the Maker Movement in education through Maker Education, a learning approach that focuses on practical learning through projects and is related to STEAM education. The main objective of this work has been to generate a significant experience in students that helps them to awake interest in scientific-technological areas. This has been worked through a project based on Maker Education in which the students, in groups, have developed a Chained Effect project, working on skills such as creativity, problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, and having the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired. During this experience, a visit to a Makerspace Las Cocinas belonging to the School of Industrial and Civil Engineering of University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was also made, aiming at including new spaces in the teaching-learning process. This space was used to teach them the process of designing and manufacturing of customized parts for each student, bringing students closer to the world of engineering, design and manufacturing through meaningful learning, with the goal of impacting favourably on them.
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Maker Education, Project Based Learning, STEAM Education
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