Multi-Constrained Seismic Multi-Parameter Full Waveform Inversion Based on Projected Quasi-Newton Algorithm.

Deshan Feng,Bingchao Li,Cen Cao,Xun Wang, Dianbo Li, Cheng Chen

Remote. Sens.(2023)

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The multi-parameter full waveform inversion (FWI) that integrates velocity and density can make full use of the kinematic and dynamic information of the measured data to reconstruct the underground model. However, it faces problems of crosstalk between multiple parameters and strong nonlinearity. This research proposes a multi-constrained, multi-parameter FWI framework based on the projected quasi-Newton algorithm. This framework can introduce multiple types of prior geological information, which can effectively improve the problem of multi-parameter inversion. Additionally, the quasi-Newton method can eliminate the crosstalk phenomenon to further improve the inversion convergence speed. Taking the 1994BP model as an example, the results show that the projected quasi-Newton method has a faster convergence speed than the spectral projected gradient method, and reduces the crosstalk between parameters; multiple constraint sets are uniquely projected onto the intersection to ensure that the estimated values of model parameters meet multiple constraints. We also experiment with the overthrust model, which shows that the framework we proposed can improve the inversion accuracy and has good adaptability. The proposed multi-parameter inversion framework can be compatible with more prior information to obtain an inversion model that conforms to geological understanding and shows great potential in seismic exploration.
full waveform inversion,multi-parameter inversion,multi-constrained,projected quasi-newton method
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