A novel neural network model fusion approach for improving medical named entity recognition in online health expert question-answering services

Ze Hu, Xiaoning Ma

Expert Syst. Appl.(2023)

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Because of the frequent occurrence of chronic diseases, the COVID-19 pandemic, etc., online health expert question-answering (HQA) services have been unable to cope with the rapidly increasing demand for online consultations. Building a virtual health assistant based on medical named entity recognition (NER) can effectively assist with the consultation process, but the unstandardized expressions within HQA text pose a serious challenge for medical NER tasks. The main goal of this study is to propose a novel deep medical NER approach based on a collaborative decision strategy (CDS), i.e., co_decision_NER (CDN), that can identify standard and nonstandard medical entities in the HQA context. We collected 10,000 question-answer pairs from HaoDF, extracted medical entities from 15 entity categories, and used a CDS to fuse the advantages of different NER models. Ultimately, CDN achieved a performance (precision = 84.50%, recall = 84.30%, F1 = 84.40%) that was significantly better than that of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) method. Our empirical analysis suggests that the entity types Disease (DIS), Sign (SIG), Test (TES), Drug (DRU), Surgery (SUR), Precaution (PRE), and Region (REG) can be most easily expressed arbitrarily in the doctor-patient interaction scenario of HQA services. In addition, CDN can identify not only standard but also nonstandard medical entities, effectively alleviating the severe out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem faced by HQA services when performing medical NER tasks. The core contribution of this study is the development of a novel neural network model fusion algorithm that can improve the performance of entity recognition in medical domain-specific tasks.
Transformer,Collaborative decision strategy,Medical named entity recognition,Health expert question-answering,Word2vec
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