On the Approximability of External-Influence-Driven Problems

Panagiotis Aivasiliotis,Aris Pagourtzis


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Domination problems in general can capture situations in which some entities have an effect on other entities (and sometimes on themselves). The usual goal is to select a minimum number of entities that can influence a target group of entities or to influence a maximum number of target entities with a certain number of available influencers. In this work, we focus on the distinction between \textit{internal} and \textit{external} domination in the respective maximization problem. In particular, a dominator can dominate its entire neighborhood in a graph, internally dominating itself, while those of its neighbors which are not dominators themselves are externally dominated. We study the problem of maximizing the external domination that a given number of dominators can yield and we present a 0.5307-approximation algorithm for this problem. Moreover, our methods provide a framework for approximating a number of problems that can be cast in terms of external domination. In particular, we observe that an interesting interpretation of the maximum coverage problem can capture a new problem in elections, in which we want to maximize the number of \textit{externally represented} voters. We study this problem in two different settings, namely Non-Secrecy and Rational-Candidate, and provide approximability analysis for two alternative approaches; our analysis reveals, among other contributions, that an earlier resource allocation algorithm is, in fact, a 0.462-approximation algorithm for maximum external domination in directed graphs.
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