Transient and steady-state quantum chaos in driven-dissipative bosonic systems

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We introduce a criterion to characterize quantum chaos in driven-dissipative open quantum systems, based on the spectral decomposition of the Liouvillian and of quantum trajectories. The method generalizes the analysis of the statistical distribution of complex Liouvillian eigenvalues to the state of the system at an arbitrary given time. As a result, we can separately characterize chaos in the transient dynamics and in the steady state of the system. The method naturally introduces a selection of the relevant Liouvillian spectral components of the quantum state, thus lifting the requirement of additional selection criteria based on symmetry sectors or an energy cutoff. We apply the method to the study of quantum chaos in a boundary-driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain. The system displays three phases, respectively characterized by integrability, transient chaos, and steady-state chaos. Most of the cases characterized by quantum chaos become integrable in the mean-field classical limit. The quantum trajectory analysis shows that quantum chaos in these cases originates exclusively from quantum fluctuations associated with the dissipation mechanism. It provides strong evidence for the existence of an emergent dissipative quantum chaos.
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