Electrode Blocking Due to Redox Reactions in Aluminum Chloride-Sodium Iodide Molten Salts

Journal of The Electrochemical Society(2023)

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Abstract Iodide redox reactions in molten NaI/AlCl3 are shown to generate surface-blocking films, which may limit the useful cycling rates and energy densities of molten sodium batteries below 150°C. An experimental investigation of electrode interfacial stability at 110°C reveals the source of the reaction rate limitations. Electrochemical experiments in a 3-electrode configuration confirm an increase of resistance on the electrode surface after oxidation or reduction current is passed. Using chronopotentiometry, chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, the film formation is shown to depend on the electrode material (W, Mo, Ta, or glassy carbon), as well as the Lewis acidity and molar ratio of I-/I3 - in the molten salt electrolytes. These factors impact the amount of charge that can be passed at a given current density prior to developing excessive overpotential due to film formation on the electrode surface. The results presented here guide the design and use of iodide-based molten salt electrolytes and electrode materials for grid scale battery applications.
redox reactions,aluminum,chloride-sodium
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