Pest Detection and Identification on Plants Using CNN Algorithm: A survey

A Kalaiarasi,N Kumareshan, R Kanmani,M Dinesh Kumar, R Dharun Pandian, N Barath

2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2023)

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India is the largest agriculture production country. It ranks 2nd largest producer of rice and wheat. Various crops are grown in various parts of the country. Agriculture contributes to India’s GDP increase from 17.8-19.9% in 2019-2021. Larger cultivation of plants is happening on fields of India giving many good outcomes. And we must also consider the defected plants which going to in garbage after harvesting. So we engineers should give a solution for rectify this problem on the time of planting. Defect in plant can identify in many views like testing the Soil nutrient, identifing the pest attack in leaves or fruits of that plant. By analyzing the defect on the plant in cultivation time can reduce the chance of spoiling. If the pest identification is done, then we can apply suitable fertilizer for that. Not all the insect are harmful for plants, some will help in pollination and eat other pests on the plants. Large number of insect pest attack leads damage in the crop production. Image processing of plant leaves for identify the pest by matching with dataset on MATLAB Tool, eventually found the deficiency occurred on that plant. This process have efficient algorithm for finding the result. Then the further process like pesticides applying can carried out according to the pest identified.
MATLAB Tool,CNN Algorithm,Image Processing,Plant Pest Identification
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