SSD-2: Scaling and Inference-time Fusion of Diffusion Language Models


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Diffusion-based language models (LMs) have been shown to be competent generative models that are easy to control at inference and are a promising alternative to autoregressive LMs. While autoregressive LMs have benefited immensely from scaling and instruction-based learning, existing studies on diffusion LMs have been conducted on a relatively smaller scale. Starting with a recently proposed diffusion model SSD-LM, in this work we explore methods to scale it from 0.4B to 13B parameters, proposing several techniques to improve its training and inference efficiency. We call the new model SSD-2. We further show that this model can be easily finetuned to follow instructions. Finally, leveraging diffusion models' capability at inference-time control, we show that SSD-2 facilitates novel ensembles with 100x smaller models that can be customized and deployed by individual users. We find that compared to autoregressive models, the collaboration between diffusion models is more effective, leading to higher-quality and more relevant model responses due to their ability to incorporate bi-directional contexts.
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