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Selective Pre-training for Private Fine-tuning


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Suppose we want to train text prediction models in email clients or word processors. The models must preserve the privacy of user data and adhere to a specific fixed size to meet memory and inference time requirements. We introduce a generic framework to solve this problem. Specifically, we are given a public dataset $D_\text{pub}$ and a private dataset $D_\text{priv}$ corresponding to a downstream task $T$. How should we pre-train a fixed-size model $M$ on $D_\text{pub}$ and fine-tune it on $D_\text{priv}$ such that performance of $M$ with respect to $T$ is maximized and $M$ satisfies differential privacy with respect to $D_\text{priv}$? We show that pre-training on a {\em subset} of dataset $D_\text{pub}$ that brings the public distribution closer to the private distribution is a crucial ingredient to maximize the transfer learning abilities of $M$ after pre-training, especially in the regimes where model sizes are relatively small. Besides performance improvements, our framework also shows that with careful pre-training and private fine-tuning, {\em smaller models} can match the performance of much larger models, highlighting the promise of differentially private training as a tool for model compression and efficiency.
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