A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder’s People

New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics(2023)

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Every project that obtained good results in the research needs to continue its development and start the process go-to-market. In the specific case related in this paper, the Smartbath, a shower system takes a new step towards its technological evolution becoming an intelligent shower system that promotes better features that the previous system was not fulfilling. Therefore, during the research it was defined that it is essential to make the system more portable and easier to use. In the context that will be used, this technology whereas, it represents an important contribution to the quality of life of caregivers. Considering an increase in the share of the elderly population and the related problems arising in daily care, this project intends to be beneficial and contemporarily. The bathing system is according to the needs of users who need to have really effective and technological systems, with a safety dynamic use with the water temperature to guarantee a quality bath and systems of checking heart rate and body temperature. In this sense, the development of technology moves to a new phase of product design, thinking about solving real problems with real products following a design project methodology.
Shower, Disabilities, Bedridden, Portable System, Medical Device
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