A Backbone Grid Planning Method against Disasters in Transmission Grid

2022 4th International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation (IAECST)(2022)

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The frequent occurrence of natural disasters in recent years has posed a great threat to the power system, especially to the transmission grid. The backbone power grid consists of transmission lines with higher design standard, and is assumed to be able to stand against natural disasters. A backbone grid planning model against disasters is proposed to deal with this problem. This model aims to minimize the cost of differentiated strengthened lines and ensure critical loads supply. Moreover, the backbone grid should meet both the constraints of normal operating state and the secure operating constraints under disasters. Meanwhile, the model adopts "virtual flow" to ensure the connectivity of the backbone grid. The method of inequality constraint separation is used to convert the model into a 0-1 mixed integer linear programming model. The validity of the proposed model and algorithm is verified through simulation tests in IEEE 118 bus system.
transmission grid planning,transmission grid against disasters,backbone grid,planning cost,topology connectivity
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