D3.2 Report on gaps and important new areas for monitoring in Europe


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The co-design of a European Observatory Observation Network requires information on the existing monitoring capacity in Europe, including the quantity and quality of the data available to generate the Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) identified in Task 4.1 at the spatial- and temporal resolutions desired by users and policy. In this document, we provide a framework to identify the main monitoring gaps to produce European-wide EBVs. Specifically, we provide a detailed and spatially explicit information (country-level) on monitoring gaps for the production of 44 EBVs by analyzing the data flowing to current and past monitoring integration initiatives according to the defined criteria (country coverage; taxonomic/ecosystem coverage; standardized monitoring; time-series data; long-term monitoring; ongoing monitoring; sampling frequency; spatial coverage density; minimum sampling unit; raw data available). Results are presented in factsheets for each EBV and summarized across EBV classes and realms.
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