Prospects of Searches for Unstable States in Relativistic Fragmentation of Nuclei

D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, O. N. Kashanskaya, N. V. Kondratieva, N. K. Kornegrutsa, E. Mitsova,N. G. Peresadko, V. V. Rusakova, R. Stanoeva,A. A. Zaitsev, I. G. Zarubina,P. I. Zarubin

Physics of Atomic Nuclei(2023)

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Prospects of the BECQUEREL experiment devoted to studying, within the relativistic approach, problems of nuclear-cluster physics are discussed. The nuclear track emulsion method used in the present study permits fully investigating relativistic final states in the fragmentation of nuclei. The present study focuses on the dynamics of the formation of a ^8 Be nucleus and the Hoyle state, as well as on searches for the 4 α condensate decaying through them. The development of analysis of exposure to ^84 Kr nuclei at an energy of 950 MeV per nucleon is described in this context. The status of searches for the isobar analog state of the ^13 N nucleus in the fragmentation of ^14 N nuclei at an energy of 2 GeV per nucleon is presented as a continuation of studies of light nuclei.
relativistic fragmentation,nuclei,unstable states
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