Supplementary Figures 1 - 11 and Table 1 from Selective Inhibition of Parallel DNA Damage Response Pathways Optimizes Radiosensitization of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells


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Supplementary Table 1. Analysis of clonogenics survival curves from Figure 1C and 1D. Supplementary Figure S1. Generation of orthotopic tumours from R10 and R15 GSCs. Supplementary Figure S2. GSCs are more resistant to IR induced cell death than paired bulk populations. Supplementary Figure S3. Cell cycle profile and proliferation rates of GSC and bulk population. Supplementary Figure S4. Enhanced activation of CHK1 in GSCs. Supplementary Figure S5. Absence of G1 cell cycle checkpoint in irradiated GBM cell lines. Supplementary Figure S6. Analysis of G2/M cell cycle checkpoint. Supplementary Figure S7. Rapid activation of G2/M cell cycle checkpoint in E2 CD133+ cells. Supplementary Figure S8. Treatment of G7 GSCs with the CHK1 inhibitor SCH 900776 (SCH). Supplementary Figure S9. Radiosensitisation of E2 and G7 cell lines with the CHK1 inhibitor CHIR 124 (CHIR). Supplementary Figure S10. Enhanced DNA repair attenuates radiosensitisation of E2 GSCs to CHK1 inhibitor (SCH). Supplementary Figure S11. Increase in gamma-H2AX foci in GSCs compared to bulk population following combined ATR and PARP inhibition.

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