Supplementary Figure 2 from <i>De novo</i> Lipogenesis Protects Cancer Cells from Free Radicals and Chemotherapeutics by Promoting Membrane Lipid Saturation

Evelien Rysman, Koen Brusselmans, Katryn Scheys, Leen Timmermans,Rita Derua,Sebastian Munck, Paul P. Van Veldhoven,David Waltregny,Veerle W. Daniëls,Jelle Machiels,Frank Vanderhoydonc,Karine Smans,Etienne Waelkens, Guido Verhoeven,Johannes V. Swinnen


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Supplementary Figure 2 from De novo Lipogenesis Protects Cancer Cells from Free Radicals and Chemotherapeutics by Promoting Membrane Lipid Saturation
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