Supplementary Figures 1-8 from <i>SETD2</i> Is Recurrently Mutated in Whole-Exome Sequenced Canine Osteosarcoma


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Supplementary Figure 1 - Workflow for Somatic Point and Indel Mutation detection. Supplementary Figure 2 - Heatmap counts of samples with recurrent focal SCNAs per chromosome. Supplementary Figure 3 - oaCGH profiles penetrance plots and GISTIC analysis. Supplementary Figure 4 - Venn diagrams of shared and unique somatic point mutations and somatic indel mutations across the three breeds. Supplementary Figure 5 - Scatter plot shows age of diagnosis is positively correlated to the mutation counts across all breeds. Supplementary Figure 6 - Mutational signature distribution per breed shows enrichment for the novel signature in Golden Retriever. Supplementary Figure 7 - Overview and functional classes for the mutations in histone modifier genes across the three breeds. Supplementary Figure 8 - Overview of germ-line candidate mutation across three breeds and their functional impacts.

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