Physical activity and quality of life of people aged 50 and over living with HIV/AIDS: A cross-sectional study in a cohort in Yaounde, Cameroon

Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health(2023)

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Introduction: HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Management has shifted to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the impact of HIV. Our objectives were to determine levels of PA, assess quality of life (QoL) and determine the degree to which Brief WHOQOLHIV domains and PA influence QoL in older PLHIV. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between March 2020 and March 2021 among 136 older PLHIV at Mvog Ada District Hospital in Yaounde. Two questionnaires were administered to assess the level of PA (Ricci and Gagnon) and the brief WHOQOL HIV. A bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Result: The mean age of the participants was 57.07 +/- 6.7 years and the female/male ratio was 1.6. Physical inactivity was found in 56.60% of the participants; 43.40% of them felt they had a good quality of life and 65.40% had a good health status. The environmental domain and social relationship had low scores compared to the spiritual domain and the level of independence. Scores for the different domains were higher in active participants than in inactive participants; with the psychological domain more related to physical inactivity (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Physical activity remains very insufficient among PLHIV aged 50 years and over. There is a need to encourage regular physical activity among PLHIV, and adapted physical activity programs should be developed for people living with HIV in sub-Saharan countries.
Aging,Quality of life and associated factors,Denial of HIV status,Sedentarity,Cameroon
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