Supplementary Tables S11-S14 from Isoflavone ME-344 Disrupts Redox Homeostasis and Mitochondrial Function by Targeting Heme Oxygenase 1


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Supplementary Table S11. All Proteins Identified. Supplementary Table S12. The Protein Groups text file from MaxQuant was processed using Perseus. Common contaminants, reversed database hits, and proteins identified by modified peptides were removed. LFQ normalized protein intensities were log2 transformed. Proteins were filtered to retain proteins identified by MS/MS (not matching between runs) in all three ME-344 pull down experiments with at least 2 peptides. Missing values in the control pull downs were imputed in Perseus with a width of 0.6 and downshift of 1.8. The difference in mean log2 protein intensities (ME344 bait - control) and fold change in abundance are provided. Supplementary Table S13. The Protein Groups text file from MaxQuant was processed using Perseus. Common contaminants, reversed database hits, and proteins identified by modified peptides were removed. LFQ normalized protein intensities were log2 transformed. Proteins were filtered to retain proteins identified by MS/MS (not matching between runs) in all three ME-344 pull down experiments with at least 2 peptides. Missing values in the control pull downs were imputed in Perseus with a width of 0.6 and downshift of 1.8. The difference in mean log2 protein intensities (ME344 bait - control) and fold change in abundance are provided. Proteins enriched with ME-344 (Difference in Log2 Protein Intensities >0). Supplementary Table S14. Proteins with at least 2 peptides identified by MS/MS in all three ME-344 pull down experiments that were not identified in the control affinity enrichment.

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