Characterization and Physical-Mechanical Properties of Adobes from La Huacana, Mexico

Proceedings of the 75th RILEM Annual Week 2021(2023)

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Earthen architecture is one of the oldest construction solutions known, with archaeological evidences as ancient as the first human settlements. Nevertheless, in the last decades, adobe constructions have been abandoned and severely modified, been displaced by the use of industrial materials like concrete blocks and ceramic bricks. The importance of these traditional systems in the local communities is a crucial aspect, since the techniques have been transmitted for generations and are part of the inner culture. Adobe samples from heritage buildings, including complete specimens and cylinders, were collected in the town of La Huacana, in the state of Michoacan, in Mexico. Also these structures were surveyed and analyzed from the technological and architectural study of the buildings and materials. After the field work the samples were brought to the materials laboratory of the Michoacan University of Saint Nicholas of Hidalgo and were analyzed with non-destructive tests, mechanical resistance and soil mechanics trials. The experimentation allowed to calculate the mechanical resistance as well as the ultrasonic pulse velocity; the results were compared to the sieve analysis, the Atterberg limits and the USCS (Unified Soil Classification System) of the samples. The material characterization of the adobes allowed to determine the properties of these construction materials, which commonly are not deeply studied. The samples from La Huacana presented a very singular composition with great percentages of fine material, while the mechanical properties were quite satisfactory in comparison with the background researches. It is expected to perfect and regulate the characterization of earthen materials by means of research works like the one presented, achieving a complete perspective of these traditional systems.
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Key words
Materials properties,Earthen construction,Non-destructive tests,Sustainable materials,Soil mechanics
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