Fragmentation analysis of various compound nuclei formed in the mass region 200 and the associated entrance channel effects


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The dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM) is employed to analyse the decay of various compound nuclei (CNs) having mass A _CN≈ 200 such as ^194 Hg ^* , ^197 Tl ^* , ^202 Pb ^* and ^210 Rn ^* , formed in ^16 O-induced reactions, at common excitation energy E_CN^*∼ 45 MeV. Calculations are made for three decay fragment configurations, i.e., spherical, β _2 -deformed ‘hot-compact’ and β _2 -deformed ‘cold-elongated’ to study the effect of deformation and orientation in the decay dynamics. The structure of fragmentation potential and preformation probability of the chosen nuclei get the significantly modified after the inclusion of deformation and orientation effects, besides showing a dependence on the mass of CN. Further, an investigation is carried out to see the effect of entrance channel properties on the decay dynamics. For this, three reactions, such as ^12 C + ^182 W, ^16 O + ^178 Hf and ^40 Ar + ^154 Sm are considered which form the ^194 Hg ^* CN at common E_CN^*∼ 57 MeV. The barrier characteristics, fragmentation structure, preformation probability, barrier penetrability, evaporation residue and fission cross-sections are calculated to analyse the role of the entrance channel in the subsequent decay dynamics. The calculated neutron evaporation residue and fission cross-sections agree well with the experimental data. The most probable fission fragments are identified for the compound nuclei, and the corresponding experimental validation is called for. Moreover, Bohr’s independent hypothesis is tested in view of the survival probability ( P_surv ) of the chosen reactions.
various compound nuclei,fragmentation analysis,mass region
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