Out-of-Distribution Detection for Adaptive Computer Vision

Simon Kristoffersson Lind,Rudolph Triebel,Luigi Nardi,Volker Krueger

Image Analysis(2023)

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It is well known that computer vision can be unreliable when faced with previously unseen imaging conditions. This paper proposes a method to adapt camera parameters according to a normalizing flow-based out-of-distibution detector. A small-scale study is conducted which shows that adapting camera parameters according to this out-of-distibution detector leads to an average increase of 3 to 4 percentage points in mAP, mAR and F1 performance metrics of a YOLOv4 object detector. As a secondary result, this paper also shows that it is possible to train a normalizing flow model for out-of-distribution detection on the COCO dataset, which is larger and more diverse than most benchmarks for out-of-distibution detectors.
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