Research on Covert Directional Spoofing Method for INS/GNSS Loosely Integrated Navigation

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(2023)

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To meet the task requirements of using GNSS spoofing signals to achieve directional spoofing of unmanned target platforms, this paper proposes an INS/GNSS integrated navigation covert directional spoofing method, which can be used in key place security defense and public security protection scenarios. Taking the steady-state gain matrix as a breakthrough, this paper firstly studies the influence mechanism of GNSS spoofing signals on the position output of INS/GNSS integrated navigation, and then deduces the feasibility of directional spoofing by using exponential spoofing signal with two adjustable parameters in INS/GNSS integrated navigation mode. Then, the influence of spoofing signals on the attitude and speed of the integrated navigation output is analyzed, and the relevant constraints of velocity and attitude errors are introduced to determine the exponential GNSS spoofing signals model that meets the requirements of covertness, and finally the task of covert directional spoofing of the target unmanned platform is realized. Simulation and experiments verify the effectiveness and correctness of INS/GNSS covert directional spoofing method.
covert directional spoofing method,integrated navigation,ins/gnss
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