Thermal Expansion in Substitution Alloys Based on Heavy Rare-Earth Metals $${\mathbf{R}}_{{{\mathbf{1}} - {\mathbf{x}}}}^{{\mathbf{I}}}{\mathbf{R}}_{{\mathbf{x}}}^{{{\mathbf{II}}}}{\mathbf{F}}{{{\mathbf{e}}}_{{\mathbf{2}}}}$$

Z. S. Umkhaeva,I. S. Tereshina,N. Yu. Pankratov, I. M. Aliev, M. R. Khomenko

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics(2023)

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A study is performed of the behavior of thermal expansion and magnetostriction in magnetically ordered substitution alloys based on heavy rare-earth metals: TbFe2, Tb0.8Zr0.2Fe2, Tb0.8Sm0.2Fe2, and Gd0.8Sm0.2Fe2. It is found that anomalies of thermal expansion observed in the alloys are mainly due to competition between exchange interactions. Invar-type features are observed in TbFe2 and Tb0.8Zr0.2Fe2 alloys in a wide range of temperatures.
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Key words
substitution alloys,thermal expansion,rare-earth
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