Blockchain and Edge Computing Integration Boosts Scalability and Reduces Latency

Mahmoud Mahfuri, Ahmad Enad Alnawaiseh,Umber Asad, Muhammad Yousif,Shoukat Aslam,Zakariya Chabani, Muhammad Fiaz

2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS)(2023)

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Nowadays, the integration of blockchain and edge computing has become important in computer science due to the significant advantages it can bring to a range of real-world applications. By combining the strengths of both technologies, it is Combining the strengths of both technologies makes it possible to create a highly secure and reliable network with reduced latency and efficient transaction processing. This article explores the challenges and opportunities of combining these two technologies, including the scalability barrier of blockchain and the management and security challenges of edge computing. This paper discusses some of the theories and research challenges associated with this integration, including developing efficient consensus algorithms and enabling data sharing and provenance. this paper concludes by highlighting the potential benefits of this technology in the field of medicine and healthcare, finance, supply chain management, and Internet of Things.
Blockchain,Edge computing,Scalability,Latency,Security,Decentralization,Data storage,Distributed environment,Consensus algorithms,Real-time processing
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