An Overview of Data Aggregation Techniques with Special Sensing Intelligent Device Selection Approaches

ICDSMLA 2021(2023)

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The transfer of the data from one Sensing Intelligent Device (SID) to the other sensing intelligent devices (SIDs). The transmission of data happens from one area to a different area in a Sensing Intelligent Network (SIN). The data packets receiver is usually the destination Control Center. Various applications of SIN are disaster monitoring, war plane detection and sending the environmental hazards information along with various other applications. Due to the constraints which are involved in SIN like low battery, low transmission range it is important to avoid duplication of data as well as collect the data from the SIDs in an intelligent fashion. Each SIN has huge number of SIDs and hence they transmit data which is similar in nature and hence this causes the SIDs to choke and become irrelevant SIDs over a period. The number of such chocking instances can be reduced in the SIN with the help of data aggregation, intelligent selection of centralized SID for a specific SIN area with the help of machine learning techniques. This paper lists out various data aggregation techniques which are available in the literature and how they can be used to improve the relevant ratio value for SIN.
Energy efficiency, Energy consumption, Goodness factor, SID monitor, Sensing intelligent area (SIA) or sensing intelligent network (SIN)
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