Multi-Antenna Coded Caching for Location-Aware Content Delivery


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A location-aware coded caching scheme is introduced for applications with location-dependent data requests. An example of such an application is a wireless immersive experience, where users are immersed in a three-dimensional virtual world and their viewpoint varies as they move within the application area. As the wireless connectivity condition of the users also varies with their location due to small- and large-scale fading, a non-uniform memory allocation process is used to avoid excessive delivery time in the bottleneck areas. Then, a well-defined location-aware placement and delivery array (LAPDA) is used for data delivery to utilize unicast transmission with a fast converging, iterative linear beamforming process. An underlying weighted max-min transmit precoder design enables the proposed scheme to serve users in poor connectivity areas with smaller amounts of data while simultaneously delivering larger amounts to other users. Unlike previous studies in the literature, our new scheme is not constrained by the number of users or network parameters (users' cache capacity, number of antennas at the transmitter, etc.) and is suitable for large networks due to its linear transceiver structure. Despite non-uniform cache placement, the proposed scheme achieves a coded caching gain that is additive to the multiplexing gain and outperforms conventional symmetric CC schemes with only a moderate degree of freedom (DoF) loss.
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