What do we need to know about neurosteroids and emotions?


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Neurosteroids are essential endogenous compounds which modulate numerous brainrelated functions. Neurosteroids affect both the excitatory (glutamate) and the inhibitory (.aminobutyric acid, GABA) systems in the brain allowing for the modulation of a wide array of emotions and behaviors. Their synthesis is increased in response to stress, helping the organism to return to homeostasis. Alterations of neurosteroid concentrations therefore have a role in the pathophysiology of stress and stress-related conditions, such as mood (therefore acting on sadness and anger) and anxiety (fear) disorders. Here, we summarize the action of some neuroactive compounds, such as allopregnanolone, pregnanolone, pregnenolone, pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone, in regulating emotions and outline their current pharmacological use in different pathologies.
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neurosteroids, emotions, 3a,5a-THP, GABAA receptors
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