Quality features of fat tissue as a platform for ?ideal? backfat virtual model: a review


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The intensification of livestock farming and increased selection for "lean meat" breeds has led to the predominance of pigs with altered characteristics of adipose tissue. The meat industry faces the difficult task of providing consumers with high-quality meat and a variety of meat products. While scientists have to develop an optimal strategy to obtain high-quality new meat products with improved nutritional profiles and methods for measuring quality indicators of fat in order to meet both the requirements for a healthy diet of consumers and the technological requirements of the manufacturer. This review describes the main methods of studying fat and the parameters of the quality of backfat are considered: the thickness of the dorsal fat, the color of the fat, Solid fat content, the determination of the fatty acid composition, and the ratio of fatty acids, iodine number, oxidative degradation. As a result of the systematization and literature analysis on the fatty acid composition of backfat, as well as the recommendations of the WHO, scientists, and nutritionists, a structural-parametric model of the "ideal" fat was formulated. Model summarizes and presents the characteristics of pork adipose tissue, that are optimal for obtaining meat products health-promoting.
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Quality of the backfat, Fatty acid, Trait, Criteria of optimality, Structural-parametric model
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