Conceptual design of multichannel fast electron bremsstrahlung detection system to study fast electron dynamics during lower hybrid current drive in ADITYA-U tokamak


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To drive plasma current non inductively, a Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) system with a passive-active multijunction (PAM) antenna for injecting lower hybrid wave (LHWs) has been designed, fabricated and to be integrated with ADITYA-U Tokamak. A fast electron population in the energy range of a few keV to several hundreds of keV is generated with the injection of the LHWs. These fast electrons interacting mainly with ions and electrons result in Hard X-Ray (HXR) emission called Fast Electron Bremsstrahlung acronym as FEB emission. A single channel FEB detection system is being used in the earlier experiment of LHCD in ADITYA-U tokamak. However, the single channel detection system can't provide a radial emissivity profile of HXR intensity distribution. In order to determine a radial emissivity profile, for the first time, a multichannel FEB detection system is designed for ADITYA-U tokamak. This paper describes the detailed conceptual design for the selection of suitable detectors, optimization of the collimators, shielding geometry, and low energy filtering cut-off. In the present design analysis, the soller collimator concept is considered over a simple pinhole camera system due to its several advantages. In order to optimize the multichannel FEB system parameters for the best possible performance, a forwarded modelling code has been used. The signal to background ratio at each detector location has been estimated for a few system parameters and reported herein.
fast electron dynamics,lower hybrid current drive
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