Non-process elements in the recovery cycle of six Finnish kraft pulp mills


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In this work, the aim was to study the distribution and accumulation of the non-process elements (NPEs) in the recovery cycle of Finnish pulp mills and look at whether the geographical location (North vs. South) correlates with the current Finnish NPE levels. In addition, a comparison to older similar Finnish measurements was made with an attempt to analyze the reasons behind differences in the most typical non-process elements, alumi-num (Al), silicon (Si), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), chlorine (CI), and potassium (K), taking into account the main elements in the white liquor, sodium (Na) and sulfur (S). The extensive laboratory results gained in this study are from seven sampling points at six pulp mills and present analytical data of metal concentrations.The data obtained presents an update to previous NPE studies. The levels found did not statistically differ between North and South Finland. The NPE levels, apart from phosphorus, found in Finnish pulp mills today have not changed considerably compared to the levels in earlier investigations in the 1990s. In the newest data, the phos-phorus concentration was consistently higher in the as-fired black liquor, electrostatic precipitator (ESP) ash, lime mud, and green liquor than in the previous results. In addition, the levels of Al, Si, Ca, P, and Mg in recovery boiler ESP ash were consistently higher compared to the older results. As the mills start to close their systems more, a stronger accumulation of NPEs can be expected, increasing the likelihood of more operational problems in the pro-cess. Further understanding of where the NPEs accumulate and how they can be most effectively removed will be valuable knowledge in the future.Application: This comprehensive study provides good insight into the levels of NPEs found in the recovery cycle of six Finnish kraft pulp mills.
recovery cycle,non-process
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