Introduction to the Special Section: Developing Antiracist Research From Research Questions to Dissemination


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This article introduces a special section of the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research devoted to the development and dissemination of antiracist research. Antiracist research is defined as systematic theorizing, inquiry, intervention development, and program implementation that exposes, rejects, dismantles, and/or remedies racism, colonialism, antisemitism, and xenophobia with the goal of promoting racial justice. Although the social work profession values social justice and acknowledges racial inequities, there is a paucity of critical discourse and scholarship on antiracism. Based on a 2021 Society for Social Work and Research preconference session, this special section describes conceptual models, antiracism interventions, methodological strategies, and recommendations for antiracist research. Articles include critical discourse on current evidence and methodologies used in antiracist research, challenges to sustaining antiracist practices in academia, dismantling white supremacy, and the implementation of antiracist principles in social work research. This special section also includes recommendations for developing and disseminating antiracist research, supporting underrepresented scholars, and retaining social work researchers who conduct antiracist research. The conceptual models, methodologies, and recommendations proposed are instrumental to developing and sustaining an antiracist research agenda in social work. Acknowledging our power, privilege, and positionality is critical to authentically advancing antiracism in social work research.
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antiracist research,research questions
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